
  1. Guzman, B. G., Cespedes, M. M., Jimenez, V. P. G., Armada, A. G., & Brandt-Pearce, M. (2024). Resource allocation exploiting reflective surfaces to minimize the outage probability in VLC.
  2. Guzman, B. G., Armada, A. G., & Brandt-Pearce, M. (2024). On Using Curved Mirrors to Decrease Shadowing in VLC.

Journal papers

  1. Guzman, B. G., & Dowhuszko, A. A. (2024). Performance analysis of VLC systems with multi-color light sources beyond RGB LEDs. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 1–13.
  2. Fonseca, D. F., Mir, M. S., de Frutos, S. I., Guzman, B. G., & Giustiniano, D. (2024). Modulating LiFi for dual operation in the visible and infrared spectra. Computer Communications.
  3. Morales-Cespedes, M., Guzman, B. G., Barrios, A. L., & Jimenez, V. P. G. (2024). Colored Reconfigurable Photodetectors for Aligning the Light in Vehicular VLC. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 1–6.
  4. Mir, M. S., Guzman, B. G., Varshney, A., & Giustiniano, D. (2023). LiFi for Low-Power and Long-Range RF Backscatter. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 1–16.
  5. Fonseca, D. F., Guzman, B. G., Martena, G. L., Bian, R., Haas, H., & Giustiniano, D. (2023). A prediction-model-assisted reinforcement learning algorithm for handover decision-making in hybrid LiFi and WiFi networks. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking.
  6. Guzmán, B. G., Mir, M. S., Fonseca, D. F., Galisteo, A., Wang, Q., & Giustiniano, D. (2023). Prototyping Visible Light Communication for the Internet of Things Using OpenVLC. IEEE Communications Magazine.
  7. Guzmán, B. G., Talavante, J., Fonseca, D. F., Mir, M. S., Giustiniano, D., Obraczka, K., Loik, M. E., Childress, S., & Wong, D. G. (2023). Towards sustainable greenhouses using battery-free LiFi-enabled Internet of Things. IEEE Communications Magazine.
  8. Céspedes, M. M., Guzmán, B. G., Gil Jiménez, V. P., & Armada, A. G. (2023). Aligning the Light for Vehicular Visible Light Communications: High Data Rate and Low-Latency Vehicular Visible Light Communications Implementing Blind Interference Alignment. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 18(1), 59–69.
  9. Dowhuszko, A. A., & Guzmán, B. G. (2022). Closed Form Approximation of the Actual Spectral Power Emission of Commercial Color LEDs for VLC. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 40(13), 4311–4320.
  10. Céspedes, M. M., Guzmán, B. G., & Jiménez, V. P. G. (2021). Lights and Shadows: A Comprehensive Survey on Cooperative and Precoding Schemes to Overcome LOS Blockage and Interference in Indoor VLC. Sensors, 21(3).
  11. Guzmán, B. G., Dowhuszko, A. A., Jiménez, V. P. G., & Pérez-Neira, A. I. (2020). Resource Allocation for Cooperative Transmission in Optical Wireless Cellular Networks With Illumination Requirements. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 68(10), 6440–6455.
  12. Guzmán, B. G., Chen, C., Jiménez, V. P. G., Haas, H., & Hanzo, L. (2020). Reflection-Based Relaying Techniques in Visible Light Communications: Will it Work? IEEE Access, 8, 80922–80935.
  13. Estrada-Jiménez, J. C., Guzmán, B. G., Fernández-Getino García, M. J., & Jiménez, V. P. G. (2019). Superimposed Training-Based Channel Estimation for MISO Optical-OFDM VLC. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(6), 6161–6166.
  14. Genovés Guzmán, B., Dowhuszko, A. A., Gil Jiménez, V. P., & Pérez-Neira, A. I. (2018). Robust Cooperative Multicarrier Transmission Scheme for Optical Wireless Cellular Networks. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 30(2), 197–200.
  15. Genovés Guzmán, B., Gil Jiménez, V. P., Aguayo-Torres, M. C., Haas, H., & Hanzo, L. (2018). Downlink Performance of Optical OFDM in Outdoor Visible Light Communication. IEEE Access, 6, 76854–76866.
  16. Genovés Guzmán, B., & Gil Jiménez, V. P. (2017). DCO-OFDM Signals With Derated Power for Visible Light Communications Using an Optimized Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 65(10), 4371–4381.
  17. Jimenez, V. P. G., Serrano, A. L., Guzman, B. G., & Armada, A. G. (2017). Learning Mobile Communications Standards through Flexible Software Defined Radio Base Stations. IEEE Communications Magazine, 55(5), 116–123.
  18. Guzman, B. G., Serrano, A. L., & Gil Jimenez, V. P. (2015). Cooperative optical wireless transmission for improving performance in indoor scenarios for visible light communications. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 61(4), 393–401.

Conference papers

  1. Fonseca, D. F., Mir, M. S., Guzman, B. G., & Giustiniano, D. (2023). Visible light or infrared? Modulating LiFi for dual operation in the visible and infrared spectra. 2023 18th Wireless On-Demand Network Systems and Services Conference (WONS), 47–50.
  2. Fonseca, D. F., Guzman, B. G., Giustiniano, D., & Widmer, J. (2023). A System Architecture for Battery-free IoT Networks. 2023 IEEE 31st International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), 1–11.
  3. Mir, M. S., Cui, M., Guzman, B. G., Wang, Q., Xiong, J., & Giustiniano, D. (2023). LeakageScatter: Backscattering LiFi-leaked RF Signals. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing (ACM Mobihoc), 290–299.
  4. Martena, G. L., Sperga, J., Fonseca, D. F., Bian, R., Guzman, B. G., Islim, M. S., Kosman, J., & Haas, H. (2023). A Simulation Tool for Interference Analysis in MIMO Wavelength Division LiFi Indoor Networks. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), 86–91.
  5. Talavante, J., Guzman, B. G., & Giustiniano, D. (2023). Rethinking LiFi for Carbon Neutral Sunlight-based Communication. 2023 21st Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference (MedComNet), 53–60.
  6. Guzman, B. G., Cespedes, M. M., Jimenez, V. P. G., Armada, A. G., & Brandt-Pearce, M. (2023). Optimal Mirror Placement to Minimize the Outage Area in Visible Light Communication. GLOBECOM 2023 - 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 4698–4703.
  7. Frometa Fonseca, D., Sarmad Mir, M., Guzman, B. G., Varshney, A., & Giustiniano, D. (2023). PassiveLiFi Demonstration: Rethinking LiFi for Low-Power and Long Range RF Backscatter. Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking.
  8. Mir, M. S., Majlesein, B., Guzman, B. G., Rufo, J., & Giustiniano, D. (2022). RGB LED Bulbs for Communication, Harvesting and Sensing. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), 180–186.
  9. Mir, M. S., Majlesein, B., Guzman, B. G., Rufo, J., & Giustiniano, D. (2021). LED-to-LED Based VLC Systems: Developments and Open Problems. Proceedings of the Workshop on Internet of Lights Co-Located with ACM MobiSys 2021, 1–6.
  10. Talavante, J., Genoves, B., & Giustiniano, D. (2021). Multi-Cell Deployment for Experimental Research in Visible Light Communication-Based Internet of Things. Proceedings of the Workshop on Internet of Lights Co-Located with ACM MobiSys 2021, 27–32.
  11. Mir, M. S., Guzman, B. G., Varshney, A., & Giustiniano, D. (2021). PassiveLiFi: Rethinking LiFi for Low-Power and Long Range RF Backscatter. Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, 697–709.
  12. Galisteo, A., Marcocci, P., Zuniga, M., Mucchi, L., Guzmán, B. G., & Giustiniano, D. (2020). Filtering Visible Light Reflections with a Single-Pixel Photodetector. 2020 17th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON), 1–9.
  13. Mir, M. S., Solanki, D., & Giustiniano, D. (2020). Poster: Integration between Home Automation and Visible Light Communications. Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), 170–171.
  14. Mir, M. S., Guzman, B. G., Galisteo, A., & Giustiniano, D. (2020). Non-Linearity of LEDs for VLC IoT Applications. Proceedings of the Workshop on Light Up the IoT Co-Located with ACM MobiCom 2020, 6–11.
  15. Guzmán, B. G., Dowhuszko, A. A., Gil Jiménez, V. P., & Pérez-Neira, A. I. (2019). Cooperative transmission scheme to address random orientation and blockage events in VLC systems. 2019 16th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), 351–355.
  16. Estrada-Jiménez, J. C., Guzmán, B. G., García, M. J. F.-G., & Jiménez, V. P. G. (2018). Comparativa de técnicas de estimación de canal para VLC en interiores. XXXIII Simposium Nacional De La Unión Científica Internacional De Radio (URSI).
  17. Leal, R. P., Garzás, J. J. E., Guzmán, B. G., Jiménez, V. P. G., & Armada, A. G. (2018). Tecnología de comunicaciones móviles al alcance de todos: la experiencia del MOOC. XXXIII Simposium Nacional De La Unión Científica Internacional De Radio (URSI).
  18. Chen-Hu, K., Guzmán, B. G., Jiménez, V. P. G., & Armada, A. G. (2018). Layered ACO-CP-OFDM with insufficient Cyclic Prefix for Visible Light Communications. XXXIII Simposium Nacional De La Unión Científica Internacional De Radio (URSI).
  19. Guzman, B. G., Cortés, T. M., López, Á. R., & Armada, A. G. (2017). Design of a communication, vision and sensory system for a rescuer robot in coal mine areas. 2017 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications (WINCOM), 1–5.
  20. Dowhuszko, A. A., Gil Jiménez, V. P., Gumán, B. G., & Pérez-Neira, A. I. (2017). Distance-aware coordinated multi-point transmission for terahertz band communication. 2017 IEEE 18th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), 1–5.
  21. Estrada Jiménez, J. C., Genovés Guzmán, B., Fernández-Getino García, M. J., & Gil Jiménez, V. P. (2017). Superimposed training-based channel estimation for Visible Light Communications. 2017 13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 240–245.
  22. Novak, P., Babjak, J., Kot, T., Bobovský, Z., Olivka, P., Moczulski, W., Timofiejczuk, A., Adamczyk, M., Guzman, B. G., Armada, A. G., & Rodriguez, A. (2017, February). Telerescuer - reconnaissance mobile robot for underground coal mines. Coal Operators’ Conference 2017.
  23. Guzmán, B. G., Adamczyk, M., Timofiejczuk, A., & Armada, A. G. (2016, September). Design of a Sensory and Vision System for a Rescuer Robot in Coal Mine Areas. 6th International Congress on Technical Diagnostic (ICDT’2016).
  24. Guzmán, B. G., & Jiménez, V. P. G. (2016). The Near Future of Visible Light Communications (VLC). IEEE Communications Society Summer School.
  25. Guzmán, B. G., & Jiménez, V. P. G. (2014). Señales DCO-OFDM eficientes para VLC utilizando Redes Neuronales adaptativas Difusas (ANFIS). XXIX Simposium Nacional De La Unión Científica Internacional De Radio (URSI).

Book chapters

  1. Guzmán, B. G., Jiménez, V. P. G., & Pérez, R. P. (2019). Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction Techniques. In Wiley 5G Ref (pp. 1–32). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

PhD Thesis

  1. Genoves Guzman, B. (2019). Performance enhancement techniques for visible light communication systems [PhD thesis]. University Carlos III of Madrid.

Invited presentations

  1. Borja Genoves Guzman. (2024-September). Towards Visible Light Communication-assisted Internet of Things networks. In RANK PRIZE Symposium organized by RANK Prize charity on Optical Wireless Communications in Challenging Environments.
  2. Borja Genoves Guzman. (2024-April). Towards Visible Light Communication-assisted IoT networks including ORIS. In 4th Training School of the European network on future generation optical wireless communication technologies (COST Action CA19111).
  3. Borja Genoves Guzman and Maïté Brandt-Pearce. (2023-April). Visible Light Communications for the IoT. In University of Virginia for the Wireless IoT Course (CS/ECE4501).
  4. Borja Genoves Guzman. (2021-October). LiFi for Low-Energy IoT Systems. In Computer Networking Weekly Research Seminar Series at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC).
  5. Borja Genoves Guzman. (2020-February). Hardware layer: Transmitters, Receivers, and Optical Materials for VLC. In “A tutorial on Visible Light Communication: An Academic and Industrial Perspective” at the International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN 2020).